Research of Lake Gyuma Tso in the Region of Mt. Kailash

Новости от 7 апреля 2022

5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash
“Compilation of Traditional and New Aspects of Mt. Kailash and Surrounding Pilgrimage Sites”
University of Hamburg, March 25-27, 2022

Dr. Sergei Balalaev, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia

We analyzed the high-resolution satellite images of the highest lake in the Kailash region, Gyuma Tso (5,360 m), which is 25 km from Mt. Kailash in the north-east direction. It has an elongated shape, similar to a sword with a hilt oriented with its pointed end towards Mt. Kailash. This line goes across the geographical sources of the Longdhep and Mungjam (the tributaries of the Indus). They are located at the same distance of 6.6 km from the western and eastern edges of the lake. The golden section azimuth of the geographic coordinates of 2.618, which is interpreted as the longitude/latitude ratio (the irrational number φ = 1.618033989), is 65.88 degrees and passes through the Serdung Chuksum Pass (near Mt. Kailash) and the north-east shore of Lake Gyu Ma Tso. The azimuth of the sunrise at the summer solstice is 61.8 degrees, which almost coincides with the direction of the elongated lake. It might be assumed that such shape of Lake Gyu Ma was formed under the influence of powerful energy flows acting in this direction. During the expeditions in 2017-2019 we studied the landscape of the shoreline and the mountain formations around the lake, as well as the flora and fauna of this region. We also made a comparative analysis of the sizes and orientation of the second elongated lake, Dugey Tso. Based on the discovered relationships, it is suggested that the relief of this region was formed in the course of natural geological processes in line with a special energy-information matrix.